Dress code
Fostering the Viennese ball tradition, the IAEA Staff Association Ball in Vienna's most prestigious ball venue also follows the dress code on:
- Floor-length evening dress
- Dinner jacket/tuxedo, smoking with bow tie
As the IAEA Staff Association Ball is the most famous international ball within the Viennese ball season, the IAEA Staff Association Ball Committee encourages guests to wear:
- Formal national costume (below the knee)
NO ties, short skirts and dresses, cocktail dresses.
Please note that the dress code will be strictly enforced. Guests will have to be sent away if not appropriately dressed.
Mask DO’s and DON'T’s
This year's ball theme will be a masked ball.
We encourage all our guests to attend the ball masked until midnight, when traditionally all guests will be invited to de-mask.
The mask should cover only the upper part of the face as shown in the examples below:
For questions please don’t hesitate to contact the IAEA Staff Association Ball Committee.
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